Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Polar Coffee Roasting

When I got home last night I realized we were out of coffee, roasted coffee. Meaning that I would have no delicious chocolaty brown beans to brew in the morning. So, it was a little cold but the desire to have the perfect cup of coffee in the morning outweighed my aversion to the less than comfortable weather. This is a video of the beans undergoing "second crack" there's a first and second crack that the beans go through during the roasting process. After the second crack the beans are approximately at a French Roast, which is where I normally remove them. Beyond French Roast is Espresso and right below it is Full City. It's determined by the darkness of the beans and the amount of oils on the beans. Anyways, here's a video and some photos. Oh yeah, I roast out on the back porch due to the large volume of smoke emitted by the beans.

Normally I don't roast by Flood Light, but the conditions warranted it.

Mid-Roast. Still pretty green.

The final product this morning. Brewed with my Technivorm coffee maker. Brews coffee at exactly 200F, not many coffee makers do btw. When I brew a small amount I just brew it into the filter basket with the valve shut and then take it off and let it drain into the cup.

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