Tuesday, September 14, 2010


A huge storm rolled through last night with some of the brightest lightning I've ever seen. It didn't make the same sound thunder sound (you know like a crack or a rumble), it sounded like bombs going off and progressively getting louder. boom-Boom BOom-BOOm-BOOOM!!!! The storm was about five miles away, but it was still really loud. I'd see a flash then about 5 seconds later, the booming would start. It was pretty nuts. I didn't get up and take any pictures of this storm, I'm still feeling a bit under the weather. But, it did remind me of some pictures I had taken recently of some storms that passed through, so I'll post some of those.

First, read Chase Jarvis' latest blog post "Take a Chance", as always he's inspiring and motivating. I especially like what he has to say in this one.

I moved our patio table out into the rain to catch the drops, then set up two SB-600 flashes to fire remotely to provide cross lighting. The Shot: Nikon D700, 60mm f/2.8 Nikkor Macro, ISO 400, f/4.0, 1/1,000 second.

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